Information for Congregations: NSW Single Use Plastics Ban
The Plastics and Circular Economy Act 2021 was passed in NSW Parliament meaning a phasing out of single-use plastics will take place in NSW from June 2022. These new laws …
The Plastics and Circular Economy Act 2021 was passed in NSW Parliament meaning a phasing out of single-use plastics will take place in NSW from June 2022. These new laws …
The Presbyterian Church of Australia in NSW/ ACT has committed to join the National Redress Scheme for people who have experienced historical institutional child sexual abuse. The PCNSW/ACT has completed …
Dear friends, We are writing to you to advise that the guidelines for food ministries issued by the Social Service Committee during the COVID-19 pandemic have been lifted. Community kitchens, …
The Scots College has been adapting to the impacts of COVID-19 in all areas of the school community. The college’s Christian Studies and Chapel programs both made the shift to …
Dear all, Can we live stream or prerecord church services? We are pleased to confirm that following a direct approach from the Archbishop of the Anglican Church, NSW Health has …
Dear all, We are pleased to share with you the ways that Jericho Road is seeking to help congregations and their families during this health crisis, as well as to …
Dear all, As you will be aware, the Prime Minister announced further restrictions last night: In respect to our church, these are: No organised meetings or groups on church …
Dear all, As you will be aware, the Prime Minister and Premier, in line with health advice, from midday today, has announced that religious gatherings and places of worship will …
Dear all, As we continue to grapple with the consequences of this viral outbreak and precautions being taken by the Australian government to delay its spread, these updates are slowly …