The Presbyterian Church in NSW exists through the grace of God to:
- Delight in the revelation of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) through his inspired and authoritative Word.
- Expose the flawed heart of humanity which has made us self-seeking and self-protecting in our relationships and exploiters rather than stewards of God’s good creation.
- Rejoice in the grace of God who meets rebellious humans in the weakness and foolishness of the Cross of Christ.
- Share with the world the message of the hope that salvation brings through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
- Identify with the world’s pain and sin as those called to proclaim God’s love and forgiveness.
- Celebrate life in the Spirit as redeemed worshipping communities characterised by humble dependence upon God and sacrificial love.
- Empower our members to identify and use the spiritual gifts God has given them to serve him by serving others.
- Promote the formation and continuing development of healthy, multiplying Presbyterian congregations.