With the building of the Assembly Hall in 1930 it was decided to incorporate a dedicated historical library. Recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the General Trustees of the Presbyterian Church in New South Wales on 14th July 1930 was the following record.
Memo from Mr J. A. Ferguson [later Sir John Ferguson], Procurator, offering to assist in the organization and arrangement of a Historical Library to the Church, and offering a donation of a very large number of books and pamphlets relating to the history and progress of the Presbyterian Church in Australia and New Zealand and in the Mission Field, such collection to be kept intact and to be known as ‘The John Ferguson Memorial Collection’ in honour of his late father [Rev. John Ferguson of St. Stephen’s Sydney], and to be further added to by Mr Ferguson, at his own expense as opportunities offer.

In 1974 the Historical Records and Library Committee renamed the library “The Ferguson Memorial Library” in recognition of the work of Sir John Ferguson as well as housing the original John Ferguson Memorial Collection.