The Presbyterian Church of Australia in NSW (PCNSW) is part of Christ’s wider universal Church throughout the world. We are Protestant, Evangelical and Reformed.
We believe that there is One God who is the Creator and Judge of the world. In the fullness of time He has revealed Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The umbrella organisation for the 300 Presbyterian churches throughout NSW and the ACT based in Sydney’s Surry Hills, we proclaim the Gospel of God and serve the community through:
• local church congregations and home mission stations,
• Evangelism,
• theological and Christian education,
• our bi-monthly congregational magazine, The Pulse;
• Schools,
• Nursing Homes, Hostels and other Aged Care Ministries,
• Youth Work, Counselling, Child and Family Services,
• University Work and Chaplains,
• Presbyterian Women’s Association;
• and other specific ministries.